First of all, I want to say that I am not in favor
Unit 6 Discussion Topic 2
Q Sharing Your Learning
• For this Discussion, reflect on your learning and write a list of your top 10 tips for incoming GB512 students. What do you think is most important for students to know as they begin this course?
Over the last 5 weeks I have learn quite a bit about how important business communication is. My Top 10 Tips for incoming students would be: 1. Attend the Seminars. a. I would suggest that, even though there are only 3 (?) ATTEND THEM! The way Dr. Lao holds these seminars allows you to live comment. So if you have and questions about what is being said, or if there is any confusion about the assignments, that is your chance to have a quick explanation! It also is fun to participate that way! 2. Stay organizes.